Sprint 2 - pickling process under shadow area

The pickling process takes two to three weeks of time depending on the wet waste and the environmental condition. Less wet, leafy and solid waste under warm and humid environment take less time to get converted into pickles, but in this case you will get very less liquid fertilizer. Whereas juicy and wet waste, cooked food, animal products under cold and dry atmosphere may take longer than expected time to get converted into pickles or even form the top fungal layer.

Do not open the lid in the first week (in case of close air composting) to check the development unless you sense the foul smell, which is very rare with the close air composting but may happen with open air composting. In this case, just sprinkle another thin layer of compost maker and cover the lid properly to cut the oxygen supply inside the bin. 

Three to four weeks time is ideal for pickling process, if you do not want to deal with any kind of smell get get good amount of fungal layer on the top. To save space and make the lid air tight, you can stack the bins with number on it to sequence them. In my case, the bottom plastic container couldn't take the load and went out of shape after some time so be careful about the total weight of containers.

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